Reading stdin input

Read input from stdin by installing a handler for stdin data. The returned data is str

actor main(env):
    def interact(input):
        print("Got some input:", input)

It is possible to specify the encoding and an on_error() callback which is invoked if there are problem with decoding the data. When encoding is not specified (default None), an attempt is made to discover the encoding by reading the LANG environment variable. If no encoding is discovered, the default is to use utf-8.

actor main(env):
    def interact(input):
        print("Got some input:", input)
    def on_stdin_error(err, data):
        print("Some error with decoding the input data:", err)
        print("Raw bytes data:", data)
    env.stdin_install(on_stdin=interact, encoding="utf-8", on_error=on_stdin_error)

You can read the raw data in bytes form by installing a bytes handler instead:

actor main(env):
    def interact(bytes_input):
        # Note how the input might contain parts (some bytes) of a multi-byte
        # Unicode character in which case decoding will fail
        print("Got some input:", bytes_input.decode())

This allows reading binary data and more explicit control over how to decode the data.