Cleanup / Finalization

It is possible to run special code when an actor is about to be garbage collected. This should not be performed by normal actors, this is really only for I/O actors that interact with the environment and might need to also clean up in the environment when the actor is being garbage collected.

Define an actor action called __cleanup__ and the run time system will automatically install it to be run at garbage collection time. There is no hard guarantee when the __cleanup__ function will be called and it typically takes a couple of collection rounds to run all finalizers.


actor Foo():
    action def __cleanup__():
        print("Cleaning up after myself...")

actor main(env):
    # create a bunch of actors and do not assign reference, so they should be collected
    for i in range(20):

    # perform some busy work to eventually trigger the GC and thus finalization
    # & schedule __cleanup__
    a = 1
    for i in range(99999):
        a += i

    # Delay exit a little bit to let RTS workers pick up the asynchronously
    # scheduled __cleanup__ actions to run for the unreachable instances of the
    # Foo actor
    def _stop():
    after 0.1: _stop()


Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...
Cleaning up after myself...